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First Aid Training for Forest Schools Practitioners.

First Aid Training for Forest Schools Practitioners is run in 3 ways.

Either for a closed group e.g. a school, a course that is open to all, or attendance on one of our outdoor first aid courses.

Forest Schools First Aid, is a 2-day (16 hour) outdoor first aid course valid for 3 years. Course content is designed for dealing with children from 1 year of age upwards and includes their potential illnesses and injuries of young children as well as those of adult helpers. The first day covers basic first aid skills and the second moves into incident management.

Courses for Groups

We can deliver a course for a whole school staff team or a group of schools in a locality who collaborate to put on a First Aid training for Forest School Practitioners course. Please ring our main number for a quote (free phone number) 0800 999 27 16 or contact us through our site

courses open to all

We run a small number of first aid courses that are open to all throughout the year, if we are not running one either near you or when you need one consider one of our outdoor courses as an alternative or ring us to see if we can put one on in your area.

Courses for Individuals

Individual Forest School practitioners are recommended to attend our standard 16-hour Outdoor First Aid courses. Forest School First Aid courses are rarely run as open courses hence the need to complete a standard Outdoor First Aid course. We are increasing the number of first aid courses for forest school practitioners.

It is easy for the individual to book on these open Outdoor courses, which cover the requirements of a forest school practitioner. Let us know when you book that you require your qualification as a Forest School Practitioner. We will then send a covering letter with your certificate outlining the child content of your Outdoor First Aid course.

Alternative Option

Paediatric First Aid course with additional 4 hours of outdoor first aid content
For Forest School Practitioners who are working with infants (under 12 months of age) or those who require an Ofsted approved Paediatric First Aid qualification we can run a standard 12 hour Paediatric First Aid course and add a further 4 hours of content covering outdoor injury and illness. This makes the course 16 hours in total and covers the requirements of most Forest School Practitioners.
