Outdoor First Aid – Remote First Aid
The Outdoor First Aid course is our most popular course. The outdoor course deals with issues involved with the long term care of casualties in a remote setting. It is often referred to as a Wilderness First Aid or Remote First Aid.
The outdoor first aid course includes primary and secondary casualty surveys; we also look at first aid equipment and how you may adapt and improvise your own equipment to support your first aid kit.
More emphasis is placed on incident management and relaying information to rescue teams.
We assume minimal outdoor equipment is available. There are plenty of opportunities to practice first aid.
The course is suitable for outdoor enthusiasts, environmental consultants and professionals working in the outdoor industry.
This two day (16 hours) course is recognised by the National Governing Bodies such as the Mountain Leader Training, British Canoe Union, British Cycling, British Association of Snowsport Instructors etc. Be sure to check your NGB requirements.
Certificates are issued through our OfQual Awarding Organisation
We also have an Outdoor First Aid kit available for purchase
The course content of the Outdoor First aid course
- Introduction
- Vital signs
- Accident procedure
- Recognition and treatment of an unconscious casualty
- Recognition and treatment of seizures
- Recognition and treatment of Cardiac Arrest (Adult CPR)
- Recognition and treatment of Drowning / Child CPR / Infant CPR
- Recognition and treatment of choking casualties
- Recognition and treatment of bleeding injuries
- Recognition and treatment of burns and scalds
- Recognition and treatment potential fractures to arms and lower legs
- Recognition and treatment of soft tissue injuries
- Recognition and treatment of head injuries (brain injuries – concussion, compression)
- Recognition and treatment of neck injuries
- Recognition and treatment of injuries to the torso (chest, stomach, pelvis and thigh)
- Practical incidents to reinforce learning
- Recognition and treatment of common medical emergencies (Asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis, bites, stings)
- Recognition and treatment of core heating and cooling (hyper and hypothermia)
Course content of the Outdoor First aid course
- Introduction
- Vital signs
- Accident procedure
- Recognition and treatment of an unconscious casualty
- Recognition and treatment of seizures
- Recognition and treatment of Cardiac Arrest (Adult CPR)
- Recognition and treatment of Drowning / Child CPR / Infant CPR
- Recognition and treatment choking casualties
- Recognition and treatment of bleeding injuries
- Recognition and treatment of burns and scalds
- Recognition and treatment potential fractures to arms and lower legs
- Recognition and treatment soft tissue injuries
- Recognition and treatment head injuries (brain injuries – concussion, compression)
- Recognition and treatment neck injuries
- Recognition and treatment of injuries to the torso (chest, stomach, pelvis and thigh)
- Practical incidents to re-inforce learning
- Recognition and treatment of common medial emergencies (Asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis, bites, stings,)
- Recognition and treatment of core heating and cooling (hyper and hypo thermia)